Для чтения на английском языке – сценарий экологической сказки «Подводный дом-теремок».
Появление текста сценария экологической сказки

Сикемп (Seacamp) 2001 год. Слева направо: Кара М.,
Дэвид Форест, Галина Чан, Алекс Кендрик
Моя стажировка проходила в течение 3 месяцев, и по ее итогам я должна была создать собственный образовательный проект, который можно было бы в дальнейшем использовать в одной из программ Сикемпа (Seacamp.)
Я решила внести свой скромный вклад в развитие уже существовавшей программы «Сообщество обрастателей», которая мне очень понравилась. Но мне казалось, что не хватает в ней некой «изюминки». Вот я и решила сделать более веселой и интересной ту часть программы, которая знакомит детей с личиночными стадиями животных-обрастателей. Ведь спектакль – это такая форма подачи информации, которая детям очень нравится.
На основе сюжета известной русской сказки про теремок я разработала
Поскольку проект в Сикепме (Seacamp) должен был быть представлен для чтения на английском языке, работать над текстом мне помогали сотрудники центра. Они помогли сделать очень хороший английский вариант текста: Елена Истомина ( руководитель международных программ) – перевод; Элизабет Келэм (секретарь) – литературное редактирование; Алекс Кендрик (научный инструктор) – научное редактирование и рисунки.
Поэтому качество английского текста очень высокое. Для чтения на английском языке вы с уверенностью можете его использовать
Underwater Dock-home
Сценарий спектакля
A very merry company lives under the Seacamp docks. Who are they and why do they live there? This is how it all happened….
Narrator: Once upon a time Seacamp built a new dock. Bacteria and algae found it to be a great place to live. Soon a small barnacle appeared.
Barnacle Nauplius [approaching the board]: How wonderful it is here! What great algae live under this dock!
Algae: And who are you? How did you get here?
Barnacle Nauplius: I am the child of Barnacle and my name is Nauplius. I have just left my parents’ home and now I am traveling in search of a good place to build my own home. And who are you?
Algae: We are algae and our name is Caulerpi. Would you like to live here next to us? There is enough space here to build your home.
Barnacle Nauplius: Thank you very much for your offer.
Algae (looking at Barnacle Nauplius attentively): You look so interesting, you are like a triangle shield and you have treelike legs growing out from under you.
Barnacle Nauplius: These legs help me to catch food and swim. Thank you again for your hospitality. I will travel around some more and then I might come back. (Barnacle Nauplius leaves)
Narrator: Some days passed.
Barnacle Cypris (appearing at the board): Hello Caulerpi!
Algae: Who are you?
Barnacle Cypris: I am the child of Barnacle. I visited you before. I grew up a bit and that’s why you can’t recognize me. I even have a new name now – Cypris.
Algae: Hi, Cypris. You really changed a lot! You don’t look like a shield anymore. You look like an oval box now and look! You have fewer legs.
Barnacle Cypris: These are not legs. These are antennae! At the end of them I have special suckers that help me to move on the surface of the dock. These suckers will help me to find a place to settle.
Algae: You must like our dock if you came back.
Barnacle Cypris: Yes, I do like it a lot. The smell here reminds me of my parent’s home. I returned here to build my house.
Algae: How are you going to build it? There is no material here to build a house.
Barnacle Cypris: Don’t worry about that! I can get everything I need from the water. The most important material is calcium and you have a lot of it here. My body has a special organ to extract calcium from water.
Narrator: The small Barnacle Cypris began to work. He lay down on the dock surface and with the help of his suckers glued himself to the dock. Amazing transformations began to take place.
Algae: Look at the little Barnacle! What is happening? He does not look like himself!
Narrator: Barnacle Cypris’s body started to change. His small oval box gradually turned into a cone. Soon, everyone could see – a small cone house made of little plates next to the algae.
[Barnacle Cypris leaves and Barnacle Adult appears]
Barnacle Adult: Hello again, Caulerpi! I told you that I was going to build my own house. I am never going to leave it now. I am an adult and you can call me sea acorn.
Part 2
A new inhabitant strolled onto the scene of the dock community, a little tunicate, who looked like a tadpole. Algae were the first to notice her.
Algae: Who are you?
Ascidia Child: I am a child of Ascidia, a tunicate. I left my parents’ home yesterday and now I am traveling. My tail and my fin help me to swim but I feel that it’s time for me to find a place to settle.
Barnacle: Would you like to live here? It is a great spot.
Ascidia: Yes, I like this place. Who are you?
Barnacle Adult: I am Barnacle, or sea acorn. My neighbors are algae. Their name is Caulerpi. They are very kind and hospitable.
Algae: You can build your house next to us.
Ascidia: I don’t need to build a house.
Algae: How can you live without a house? Look at Barnacle. He built himself a house.
Ascidia: I am not a Barnacle and I live without a house. I think I will live next to you.
Narrator: The small ascidia with the help of her suckers attached herself to the dock.
Algae: Look at Ascidia! Her tail is disappearing!
Narrator: The small Ascidia was turning into an adult. Her tail disappeared and she began to resemble a small barrel with two necks. The third inhabitant appeared on the dock and life became merrier.
Part 3
Narrator: Several more days passed. A small ball appeared near the dock. The ball was all covered with small cilia. These wisps help her to move in the water. The ball swam back and forth along the dock several times and then stopped and asked:
Parenchymella: Who lives on this dock?
Algae: We are algae – Caulerpi.
Barnacle Adult: I am a sea acorn.
Ascidia: I am Ascidia. And who are you?
Parenchymella: I am a sponge baby. While I am little my name is Parenchymella. Can I live next to you?
Ascidia: Yes, we have a little free space here. Welcome.
Parenchymella: Thank you. I have been swimming for two days and it is time for me to grow up. I will settle right here next to Barnacle.
Narrator: The sponge Parenchymella attached one of her sides to the dock and settled next to Barnacle. Several days later a small orange mountain appeared on the spot where the shaggy ball settled. Parenchymella became an adult.
Parenchymella (adult approaching the board): Hi, everybody. I have grown up now and you can call me Fire Sponge.
Barnacle: You are so beautiful! I am glad that you have decided to live next to me.
Part 4
Narrator: So four inhabitants — Caulerpi, Barnacle, Fire Sponge and Ascidia lived together under the dock. Every day the community grew because more baby algae, barnacles, sponges, and tunicates came to live under the dock. But one day, several months later, there was no space left under the dock. When somebody came in search of a space for a house, Barnacle offered he walls of his house as a place for them to live. He especially liked to offer that to little Cypris. Everybody was happy to live under the dock. They called their underwater dock-home the fouling community.